Flat Roof (low Slope)

The use of lightweight accomplishes the membrane the use of lightweight accomplishes the membrane Common logic would tell you that a flat roof for a home or building is not a good idea, not with exposure to the elements of rain, water, snow, ice and such. However, such roofs have a slight enough incline to discourage water from ponding on the roof.

Historically, this type of roof has used materials of tar and gravel, along with the slight slope to keep water from building up and soaking through the roof in to the interior of the building or home it supports. However, experience has shown that in colder climates, the use of these materials when snow and ice built up on the roof, did not hold and thus led to the failure of the roof.

flat roof

Updated, affordable materials for the flat roof have been comfortably in use now for some 30 years. These materials include single ply products such as TPO, PVC and Modified Bitumen

Sealants and adhesives create a membrane sheet, acting as a barrier between water and the home or building. In more expensive versions, the use of lightweight accomplishes the membrane. But strong metals such as copper or tin, as soldered together panels. Such metals can be recycled.

Homeowners and business leaders are building flat roofs with plants and grasses to go green and recycle. These plants have shallow root systems that don’t penetrate the membrane. It turns out that there are quite a few benefits to this.

The topsoil mixed with the plants distributes water up through the plants. This results in preventing water from collecting on top of the membrane.

The True Disadvantage of Flat Roof

One true disadvantage of a flat roof is that it is sensitive to moving and added weight. Therefore, any time there is roof inspection or maintenance, a wear factor occurs. And can lead to structural cracks and failure. While the roof inspection and maintenance cannot be compromised. So it is best to avoid making home improvements that will cause more traffic and weight to the roof, such as adding a deck or enhancing a heating, cooling system.